Parental Responsibilities
We used to call it “custody;’ but thanks to a 2016 law, we now call it “allocation of parental responsibilities.” A rose by any other name smells as sweet. The change has been, I think, the biggest boon to Illinois family law . . . ever! Can’t find the answer? Need advice? Call, leave your info, or schedule a consultation.
The new law requires parents, within 120 days of filing a case, to file with the court a parenting plan. They may join together and file a single, agreed plan, or they may file separate plans. 750 ILC S5/602.10. The parenting plan must allocate “parenting time” and the responsibility for “significant decision-making” defined as “deciding issues of long-term importance in the life of a child.” 750 ILCS 5/600(k).
Nearly all cases (about 98%) end up with an agreed Parenting Plan. You'll need a lawyer's help to negotiate a good agreement. This is not D-I-Y territory. There is a LOT to consider — everything from baseball schedules to dependency exemptions to who-will-pay-the-health-insurance-co-pays? Work with an experienced attorney to craft the best agreement for you and your children or to present your best case to the judge.
Parenting Time
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• Sole and Joint Decision-Making
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• Jurisdiction and Unborn Children
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• Modifying Parental Responsibility Awards
• Grandparent and 3d Party Standing
• Parental Responsibility & Religion